Sunday, September 16, 2012

How to beat the blues after a holiday

I'm lying flat on my back till I get
my mojo back. >.<
Have you ever felt like the world is going to end on the last day of your vacation? Or maybe you wished you never had to leave the place you were holidaying in? You might even have fallen sick once or twice after your holiday, as if your body was protesting the amount of activities you cramped into itinerary.

Well, this is known as the "Let Down" effect where your immune system becomes weaker after a period of high energy levels is immediately followed by a period of low energy levels. It's just like a speeding car that was forced to stop without the brakes. I'm sure you can imagine the kind of damage it can do to the car. =x

It's natural to feel emotionally low or physically ill after the euphoria of your holiday, but it's important to have a cool-down period where the shock of having to handle a low energy period after a high energy one is not too overwhelming for your body. Here are a few tips:

Put away your stuff
Don't procrastinate and put away your luggage soon after you reach home. It's a great chance for you to look through your travel photos and vids, plus divy up the souvenirs that you had gotten for your friends and family. Better than sitting around aimlessly and emo-ing about your holiday, right? =)

Pamper yourself
If possible, book a spa session or two for yourself soon after your trip. You'll soon feel the cares melting away from your body. Shopping's more your thing? Then plan a shopping spree with your girlfriends! Or fix a gaming session with your boys. The key is to acclimate your body rhythm to the pace you were used to before you went on that holiday.

Go on an adventure
The common complaint about living in Singapore is that it doesn't seem to have enough spots to have fun in, but you'll be surprised at what you can find if you bother to look. Going on an adventure in your home country may not be exciting as the one you had on your holiday, but at least your body will have more time to get used to the change.

Plan the next vacation!
Remember the excitement you felt when planning your getaway? Well, studies have shown that people are generally happier when they are in anticipation of a trip so instead of feeling down, why don't you plan your future trips now! XD

Do the above tips work for you? What do you do to recover from your holiday? Do feel free to share your thoughts in the comments!

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